From the way we network, to the way nosotros become our news we're slowly but surely moving everything online. And shopping is no exception.

In the past few decades, online shopping has gone from being non-existent to condign a multibillion-dollar industry. Buying things online has become a common practice amongst millions of people effectually the world. Recently the number of people buying goods and services online has increased more than ever before.

Ane of the reasons why online shopping has grown then much over the years is because of the experience that businesses are able to provide to their customers. We're constantly seeing businesses add new features and services for online shoppers, with the intent of providing them the same support and condolement that they would have during an in-person shopping experience.

The truth is that shopping online is becoming more and more like shopping in person.

If y'all've got an online store, or are interested in building 1, these top x online shopping statistics will assistance guide yous in the correct direction for 2021.

Let's get started. Here are the 10 online shopping statistics that you need to know:

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1. How Many People Shop Online?

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In 2021, an estimated ii.14 billion people worldwide are expected to purchase goods online (Statista, 2017). At the aforementioned time, global ecommerce sales is forecast at $4.891 trillion. If these online shopping statistics aren't plenty to blow you abroad, projections evidence that ecommerce sales worldwide are going to grow to $6.four trillion past 2024.

The growth of online shopping is simply impressive and it doesn't seem like it's going to slow downwards whatever time before long. This is skilful news for you, whether you're an online buyer or an online seller.

The reason for choosing online shopping could vary from convenience to competitive prices. In add-on to that, online businesses are trying their best to make sure that the experience of online shopping matches in-person shopping experiences.

Now, buyers can find more than details and product descriptions from the comfort of your dwelling much more easily, thanks to advancements such as the 360-degree product views and model size details for online clothing stores.

If y'all've got an ecommerce store, you probably know that with growing contest, it tin can be hard to stand out. That'south why it's important to cull your target audience advisedly, and try to focus your efforts on your customers. One way to do this is to provide customers with detailed product descriptions and images.

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63 percent of shopping occasions begin online (Thinkwithgoogle, 2018).

This means that no matter where customers are finally making the purchase (online or in a brick-and-mortar store), their customer journey is starting online – in most cases on Google or Amazon, where they're doing their inquiry. That's as well why it'due south crucial for brands to have a strong online presence. By improving the client experience from the very first footstep, businesses have a college chance of getting customers to buy from their store.

Understanding how people search helps businesses create a unique experience for them. No ii customers shopping online take the exact same path to purchase. That's why if you're an online store owner, it's so important to understand what you can practice to customize the online journeying for customers.

With the enhancement in digital applied science, it's no surprise that today'south consumers are in control of their path to purchase. They're open to exploring equally many categories, brands, and products equally they would like to.

3. Consumers Shop via Mobile

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Nearly half of consumers shop more on mobile than in-store (Ibotta, 2018).

It's no cloak-and-dagger that mobile shopping has been on the rise. If you plan on running a successful ecommerce website, you tin can't beget to ignore mobile users and mobile shopping. Consumers are using their mobile devices for all steps of the buyer journeying, and that includes various online shopping activities. As of the 4th quarter of 2018, desktop PCs accounted for roughly the aforementioned amount of global e-retail orders as smartphones. In terms of retail website visits yet, smartphones took the lead, and was the number i device that people were using to visit retail websites.

Mobile is undoubtedly the direction in which consumer habits are headed. In light of this, at that place'southward a lot that y'all can do as a store owner to make certain that y'all go on mobile in mind when you're working on your business. To start, you should brand sure that your shop has a user-friendly mobile app, or mobile website that your customers tin access. Even if they don't make the concluding purchase through their mobile devices, y'all should try to provide them with a comfortable and enjoyable experience. It's your responsibility to make certain that you create a shopping experience that appeals to your customers.

If you'd like to go to know more most mobile commerce, cheque out The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Commerce.

four. The Biggest Marketplace Worldwide

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Chinese platform Taobao is the biggest online marketplace , with a GMV of $515 billion (Statista, 2019). For comparing, Tmall and Amazon ranked 2nd and third with $432 and $344 billion in almanac third-political party GMV respectively.

To put this statistic into perspective, the tiptop online marketplaces in the globe sold $1.66 trillion in 2018. Market sites similar those operated by Alibaba, Amazon, and eBay accounted for more than 50 pct of global web sales in 2018.

An ecommerce market place is a website where the products are provided by several 3rd parties while the transactions are processed by the marketplace itself. The transaction is processed by the market place and then the order is fulfilled by the called retailer or dropshipper . And since ecommerce marketplaces list products from a number of different sellers, there is usually more than variety and availability in terms of products, compared to online retail stores.

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Digital and mobile wallets are the preferred payment method amongst online shoppers worldwide. 44.v per centum of online shoppers paid using this method (Worldpay, 2020). Following that in second place are credit cards, and debit cards as the tertiary almost popular online payment method.

Digital and mobile wallets, also known as eWallets, are an electronic device or online service that makes it possible to make electronic transactions. This includes online payments, and too in-person purchases. Some of the normally known eWallets include Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal.

If you lot have an online store, or are planning to get-go an ecommerce shop, it's important for you to consider your payment gateways . Yous need to always ensure that you lot provide your customers a secure and piece of cake checkout experience.

That aside, you should as well continue in mind the location of your target audience. This way, you can ensure that the online payment methods that your store allows are the ones that they're enlightened of and familiar with.

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One of the biggest shifts in shopping behavior this yr has undoubtedly come from the impact of the coronavirus.

With countries across the globe imposing strict lockdown measures in a bid to limit the spread of the virus, the number of consumers shopping online, especially for groceries, has skyrocketed.

Co-ordinate to a recent study, in March 2020, 42 percent of the United states population purchased their groceries online at least once a week (GeekWire, 2020). This marks a stark increase from 22 percent but two years ago. Daily online grocery sales have besides as much every bit doubled.

Merely this is more than only a temporary heave. It's besides causing a mindset shift. Over half of online grocery shoppers say they're at present more likely to continue to store online even after the pandemic.

Experts say this is an "inflection point" for the online grocery shopping trend, and Amazon is probable to be the biggest casher. Amazon has been the most popular platform for these shoppers, with vi out of every ten doing their online grocery shopping with the ecommerce behemothic. In fact, need has grown so much that orders for groceries on Amazon have increased past as many as fifty times.

vii. Shoppers Look to See New Products Constantly

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It comes every bit no surprise that the needs of shoppers are constantly growing. Online shoppers are in demand of new products constantly. In fact, 75 per centum of consumers' search queries each month are brand new (Salesforce, 2018). This goes to evidence that when people are browsing online, they're actively searching for new products. On top of that, 69 percentage of consumers say it's important or very of import to encounter new trade each fourth dimension they visit a shop or shopping site.

Ecommerce businesses need to keep up with the needs of consumers. The ecommerce industry is more dynamic than e'er earlier, and retailers must evolve adjacent to be able to succeed. Online retailers need to prepare to customize the shopping experience for their customers. By providing them with new products, they tin can enhance the shopping experience for their audition. Not only does this requite the customers more variety when shopping, just likewise fewer reasons to become look somewhere else. Past updating your product offerings, you could exist staying a footstep ahead of your competition.

8. How Often Practice People Shop Online?

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So we know by now that people are shopping online, just how often do they do it? 62 percent of online buyers shop at least once per month (Episerver, 2019). In addition to that 26 per centum of online shoppers shop online in one case a week, and 3 percent merits to shop once a day.

With so many people shopping online regularly or looking for products to purchase online, shoppers find themselves in a state of indecision. Not simply do they admit to spending fourth dimension researching, simply the same research shows that shoppers feel overwhelmed by the number of options they run into when browsing. Effectually half of the online shoppers (46 pct) take failed to complete a purchase online considering there were also many options to choose from.

Online businesses accept the opportunity and the responsibility to smoothen the customer decision-making process. This tin can be done by streamlining digital commerce experiences that provide the customers with the data that they're looking for to enable faster decision making. Brands can exercise this through a multi-stride commerce journey. For example, businesses tin can achieve out to their customers through email, by giving them information on the latest offers, or communicate with them through social media channels. Assisting your customers can help them understand what they're looking for, and better their digital commerce journey.

9. Fastest Growing Ecommerce Categories During Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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The coronavirus pandemic sparked panic-buying in many countries all over the globe both in in-person shops such as supermarkets and pharmacies as well as in ecommerce shops.

Equally expected, essential items and in particular medical products saw a massive surge in online sales. A recent survey past Adobe revealed that sales for products such equally hand sanitizers, gloves, and masks grew more than than 800 pct over the first ten weeks of the year (Adobe, 2020).

Toilet paper and over-the-counter drugs for flu, cold and pain also flew off the online shelves, with sales jumping past 231 per centum and 217 pct respectively.

And with gyms shutting down and outdoor motion severely limited, the demand for fettle equipment has increased by 55 pct in just the first two weeks of March alone every bit more people wait to practise at dwelling.

Sales of home furnishing products are likewise on the rise considering people are not only spending more time at dwelling house but also setting upwards a home office. In the The states, sales for habitation comeback products have increased by 13 percentage in early March compared to nigh a year ago.

10. Chief Reason for Online Shoppers to Abandon Their Carts

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Ask any online store owner and they'll tell you what a nightmare abandoned carts are. In that location are and then many questions that might come to your mind about abandoned carts – the why, the what, the where, and the how.

According to recent online shopping statistics, 49 percent of cart abandonments are due to high extra costs, which can include anything from shipping to taxes and fees (Baymard, 2021).

Nowadays, free shipping has become more of a necessity than an added advantage. Adding extra costs to the online shopping procedure, especially at the very last step, deter buyers from following through with their intended purchase. These costs are an immediate source of annoyance for online shoppers, who may see this every bit a lack of transparency.

As an online store owner, the best style to deal with this is to offer full disclosure. It's better to listing all costs right from the beginning of the buyer's journey.

Another successful strategy is to parcel the extra toll of shipping into the product and and so offering "free" shipping to the customer. At the finish of the day, transparency is valued highly by online shoppers, and it's crucial for your online store to be able to succeed.

Other reasons for cart abandonment include the hassle of having to create an account, dull delivery times, and a long or complicated checkout process.


To wrap up, there's no doubt that online shopping is quickly evolving and in the coming years, we'll exist seeing farther development. If businesses want to survive in the competitive mural that is today, they can't afford to ignore their online presence. So make sure to keep these top 10 online shopping statistics in mind when yous're planning for your business organization strategy in 2021.

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  1. An estimated two.14 billion people worldwide purchase goods online.
  2. 63 percentage of shopping occasions begin online.
  3. Nearly half of the consumers shop more on mobile than in-store.
  4. Chinese platform Taobao is the biggest online marketplace, with a GMV of 515 billion U.South. dollars.
  5. Digital/mobile wallet is the preferred payment method among online shoppers worldwide. 44.5 percent of online shoppers paid using this method.
  6. Because of the coronavirus, 42% of the US population bought groceries online in March 2020, most double the 22% in 2018.
  7. 75 percent of consumers' search queries each month are make new.
  8. 62 percentage of online buyers shop at least once per calendar month.
  9. Sales of virus protection-related products increased past 807 percent over the first ten weeks of 2020.
  10. The principal reason for online shoppers to abandon their carts is high extra costs. 49 percent of cart abandonments are because of this.

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  • Best Modest Business organization Web Hosting for 2021
  • 12 All-time Online Selling Apps to Make Money in 2021
  • 101+ All-time Software Tools for Modest Businesses in 2021
  • Product Description: 8 Tips to Write an Epic I in 2021

Is there anything else you lot'd like to know about online shopping statistics and wish was included in this article? Let usa know in the comments below!