Trump Next Time We'll Win the Old-fashioned Way


In that location are more than Dominion machines out there today than last fourth dimension when he won. The swamp is firmly in command.


Electronic voting machines must be unplugged and dismantled. Zip wrong with ballot-twenty-four hour period paper ballots, voter ID, and hand counting.


Watch Cankles run and demand more voter fraud


Nov 2022 and 2024 tin't come shortly enough! Allow's hope they accept a program in identify for voter fraud


Dems aren't worried. Voter fraud will save the twenty-four hour period again


I have to think they volition be prepared for that and have a programme in identify.


Trump can win, but Newsome volition be President. Cypher is going to stop the cheat.

Reasonable Hound

(This won't go down well so I've put my wheel helmet on).
Can we have Rand Paul instead delight?

Ray Siss

I think this error

KO Punch

Null matters except voter fraud…period. The GOP normalized it in 2020 so it will happen again.


Ok he may be running for POTUS in 2024 just I hope runs for midterms and becomes speaker of the house.
We can't expect till 2024


God willing nosotros'll take an American patriot back at the helm to save u.s.a. from the Biden/Harris clown show.


Peace talks just announced for Ukraine/Russia conflict also……coincidence…..I remember perchance non.



Triumph Bob

Only listened to the speech and I did not hear one prevarication. Merely as noted beneath, if the ballot fraud is not fixed for the 2022 ballot, all is lost. And I volition never understand why anyone would vote against what he talked near. That is unless they hate their own country.


Democrats hate their own country. They testify it every dam northward mean solar day.


But I believe they love their purse, and at present information technology's getting slimmer everyday and that'll modify their minds.


We beloved Potus45


Trump should announce Candace Owens as his running mate to really stick it to Kameltoe and the Rat Party, that she will be the starting time, actually Blackness VP.


And damn good ane at that!


He'll win again, but he'll lose again.

Bean Counter

Boy it's sure reassuring to know that the ballot fraud problem has been cleared up.


There has been a lot of focus and awareness put on information technology. America Commencement Republicans and Trump take been fighting an uphill battler and deserve credit.
We will see in 2022.


I wish Trump would proper name Tulsi Gabbard every bit his running mate.


Tulsi is a autonomous communist that votes with Nancy Pelosi.

You probably like the Russian dictator and war monger Putin likewise. He as well has entreatment to the unaware right wing base because he knows how to work their emotions with propaganda that does not match their deportment..


Don't forget what Pelosi did nearly the January 6 "insurgency" she called for mass troops to protect Democrats from the public. Of course it was too much to protect Americans during the summertime of love the George Floyd riots when they were called-for Dow American cities.


WEF Young Leader. Say no more.

Pep Boyz

Dems always play act as moderates before elections. Afterwards the ballot they take their masks off.

That guy



The we have everything story was only smoke up yer arse. Watermarked ballots BS and FJB gets a full term to destroy America. Trump is yesterday's news. Carpe diam Chessmaster.


Pesident Trump means everything to freesom loving Americans.
Yous are unaware that he is still the leader of the Americ First partitioning in tghe GOP and much active in leading it.

Humus B. Chitinme

Logical GenX

I'm not certain that's a good idea, while he did a lot of slap-up things and tried to practise more…he doesn't seem to accept great judgement on who to put on his team…how many traitors did he stop up hiring? He is a hero for helping betrayal the republican political party. I wish he would stay focused on that…except again stay away from traitors (similar his TN Ortagus endorsement…she supportedJeb Bush in 2016 and had her wedding ceremony officiated past Justice Ginsburg….give me a interruption).


Pesident Trump had the most successful Administration in American history in terms of accomplishments. You get in that location by appointing adept people.
He also is the only American president to stand up against fake news and Mainland china.
He eliminated over 1600 Federal Regulations.
He started the America First sectionalisation in the GOP and is even so its leader.

Logical GenX

I hear you but I feel similar he's damaged goods and can't win…a lot of which he brought on by himself… let's look at a few of his picks: Jared, Pence, Pompeo. Fauci, Barr (but wouldn't take Sessions' ethics?), Scaramucci. Mad Dog Matthis, Brad Parsacle (wife beater), Alex Vindeman, John Bolton (aka the war mongering walrus), Nikki Haley, Scott Pruitt (lying grifter who made everything worse at EPA), Reince Preibus, James Comey, Paul Manafort..and Michael Avenatti.

Love Trump for what he did for trying to salvage this state, no one else could've washed what he did. I'one thousand just non certain someone else shouldn't pick upward the torch.

Oh and all those regulations he got rid of? Agencies are working overtime to bring dorsum x100 because we demand lasting change.


And he will pick the correct people, like terminal time. Khazars, shysters, conmen, all lawyers, financiers that need to check for warrants before they travel to other countries, will be the norm. Shake the tree and the monkies change branches. Hillary, Kissinger, are still running effectually, soros all the same financing turmoil, but trump will choice the right people, similar last time. More of the same only different, sorta.


Every mail well-nigh Trump people like y'all are quick to post negative things and every post about the dictaor and war monger Putin you become a political actifist stroking his ego and world image.


Y'all mean similar the vaccines? Or Barr? Or the failure to act on arrests? I'one thousand wary of strongmen coming to power based on what comes out of their mouth. The parallels of 1930 Germany is unsettling. Riots, demonstrations, abuse, inflation, unemployment, lawlessness. The onetime maxim of be careful what you wish for comes to mind.


Time for the khazars to give up their passports, they are surrounded. Congress this ways you and your flunkies. Trump needs to reconsider his position on many things, this beingness one of them.

Boiling Frog

2024? Are we going to survive that long?

What do you do with cancer?

What do you do with cancer?

He did say "or sooner" in his spoken communication final nighttime.


Yeah nosotros will survive but not much longer if he does not become elected.

Any Fate but Submission

Geez, I estimate pfizer, j&j, and moderna needs some more profits in 2024.. Gotta have someone pushing those safe and effective vaxxes.


That'southward the programme. People will drop like flies and they will blame Trump. Simply give it another yr for it to start.


Maybe you can get your buddy Putin to invade and then he can salve united states like he is saving Ukraine.

Rampart Yank

I believe that the GOP has a potent potential candidate field: DiSantis, Pompeo, Noem or Cruz. But Trump would be the fixer! He has the smarts, moxy & vision to set the Biden & Dems mess that will be there when he wins the POTUS ballot.

The Trump Train two.0 cometh.


Noem and Cruz pissed away their chances. I dubiety Pompeo has a take chances. DeSantis has the all-time shot of those four.


Noem is smoking hot simply cannot be trusted. Cruz is only trying to become anybody to forget most his comments re 1/6.


Well, after Desantis just capitulated to Big Pharma allowing CDC liability protections through 2023 it seems Trump might be the best overall pick after all. Unfortunately, I don't retrieve we are going to vote our mode out of this mess!

Ana Nimity

If Trump wins it will exist the first fourth dimension since FDR a president won the election for the presidency three times.


Hillary is running in 2024; should make for an interesting boxing.


Killery the spy

Mr. Wonderful

The traitor


If she does and the aforementioned sh$$ happens as in 2020 then there will be a breakup on the United States. Menstruum. End of story.


I remember hearing that same thing back in 2020…exactly what happened…other than the furious keyboard pounding? Zilch



Given how apace the vultures will descend, I would have liked him to keep his powder dry a trivial longer. It was obvious but not official.. I guess at some point it triggers FEC requirements.. Certainly the worst kept secret.


He might be waiting to meet what the mid-term elections bring. If he declares now, the Dems will up their cheating game to hold the House and Senate. They already burned the entire world to the ground in their zeal to get rid of Trump. Imagine what they'll do to proceed him gone. Trump enjoys the unique position of not having to declare early. He can expect and enter almost anytime and probable win the nomination. He's playing this from a position of power and influence.


Sorry but Washington DC is a vassal state out of Davos Trump tin can become in and do cypher As evidenced in his first term,they simply kicked him to the curb. Trump would brand a great leader of a gratis society just nosotros don't have that and we won't take that until nosotros END THE FED and kill the printing press that funds these Globalist psychopaths.


TRUMP is aware and bankrupt no FEC rules at all. He said, "nosotros will exist doing it again in 2024." It tin just be construed that he meant to say I will be doing it again in 2024.MAGAA!!!


Practise us a solid … get Desantis on equally VP candidate.

Information technology'll exist fun watching CamelHo trying to fence someone of superior intellectual firepower.

Check your six

Kammie the KOMMUNIST is A PHONY and an intellectual aught

Mark T

Remember when Obama poked the bear at the Annual Printing Club luncheon. Trump ran and won. And then they poked the behave in a big way and cheated! Trump will win over again.

What do you do with cancer?

What do you do with cancer?

And this time nosotros will party in the streets


Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Jamie Raskin will starting time some other impeachment of Trump tomorrow forenoon. LOL. What clowns. Only in America, and only with the aid of Big Media and Big Tech, could useless grifters like those 4 be taken seriously.


They are America's version of Nazi's but more overt than the original. Don't believe me? But watch who they go after whenever someone speaks out with the truth most what the Dem party has become. The Ukraine is just the latest shiny object for the media to run after and forget almost what just happened to liberty in Canada and Biden's* incompetence here. There is a huge difference between strength and war mongering. Trump and Pompeo represented the one-time and Biden* and The Three Stooges correspond the latter.

Check your six

Government, Media, Large Tech.. ALL CORRUPT and COLLUDING

Ana Nimity

And McConnell; Lindsay, Romney, Cruz, Pence and the other RINOs volition sit back and sentinel it happen once again.


It'south amazing how much made upward clay the Obama-Killarry Left threw at Trump because in a showtime he made America Great Again!


why isn't every elected official MAGA/KAG/America Beginning?

they're supposed to swear an oath, it's their duty, why 'we' elect them.
kick them all out.

at that place should exist no need of a 'President Trump'. they are all supposed to protect and defend us, our businesses, lands, hereafter.


They only protect their own interests. Mostly all of the Business firm and Senate members are grifters. Never had a real task. Never ran a business organisation. Simply lawyers with a minor in political science.


Shitty lawyers become politicians


Agreed. Merely at that place is so much special interest money drowning politics today, few in congress are non "owned". Congress is not overtly corrupt, but if your future depends one thing, funding, and so that funding buy's your attention and to a certain extent, your support. Nosotros don't have whatever problems nosotros can't overcome simply to practise so requires that we regain our morality and ideals and dearest of something as well our own wealth and well beingness. Otherwise, we are simply selfish and stand for nothing. Not sure we will get there without facing our Ukraine moment commencement.


As well busy eating their 26 dolkar a quart water ice cream thats why !!!!!

human death

why is he allowed to run, there are term limits now


What an idiotic thing to say. Yeah there are term limits for the President, has been for a long time. Eight years, two terms.
Go dorsum to schoolhouse and learn something.


Human decease is an imbecile


You are a nut! Since later on FDR's 4 terms, Presidents at present are allowed but 2 terms! They don't need to be consecutive! Trump has had merely one Term! The USA desperately needs to get rid of Biden and the Democrats as soon as possible!


Transport them across the border!


it is non anti american to possess disquisitional thinking skills. people are tired of the nonsense.

Never give up

I might enjoy a Trump/wendy Rogers or Mike Lindell ticket… or at to the lowest degree utilize these 2 in a great chapters

Judy McKeown

Not Lindell..he'south gone off his rocker lately

Never give up

I must have missed it. Do you take a source of information?


How about a Trump Senior/junior ticket?


I would honey to encounter Don Jr in it At least HE is vocal confronting mandates.


Trump/Candace Owens ticket !!!!

Any Fate but Submission

Ronald DeSantis/Ronald Johnson


which version of winning was he talking about… 2016 or 2020. both winning, two unlike outcomes.


Or maybe the peasants are waking upward from all the scams. Maybe you demand a "wake-up" telephone call also.


…..every bit the DNC CRIME FAMILY will do anything to hang onto power, I will not be surprised if ´thecourts´ finally declare Donald Trump won the 2020 election, but before the 2024 ballot.
This activeness will make President Trump unable to run for a 3rd term.


And then people meliorate go to jail


I'1000 thinking the President is limiting to serving two terms. He never served the 2nd ane.


Or fully got to serve first.

Robert, east of here

@VAL, you know what, if possible, they'll try it too! Very interesting.

Never give up

insist on equal time


Interesting idea, but the constitution speaks of "serving two terms". Each term starts with a swearing in. Also, you lot can win a secound fourth dimension and not serve, the speaker of the takes over, and you lot and so can run and win over again.

Hot Ham hock water

If he will non make clean house at that place is no point

Jeff in Oregon

We can't finish the evil so we should permit evil prevail? Nobody can clean house.


I retrieve the RNC and GOP cucksters will practice everything possible to go on President Trump out. If they practise information technology is fourth dimension for the new MAGA party.

Robert white

We need energy independence, we were heading that manner and Biden stoped information technology. That my folks is a true knuckle head! Intelligence on the same level as Maxine Waters


They are stupid merely they knew exactly what they were doing


Ukraine President Agrees To Concord Talks "Without Preconditions" With Russia At Belarus Border


Anyone take any updates on the truckers? Did that just fizzle out? Where are the, and how many? When do they become to DC?


I swear we hear aught about them!!


Usa Trucker's Convoy Now Stretches Over fifteen Miles Long …

Pat Brooks

Just heard on the radio this forenoon that they left California with 200 trucks headed for Arizona and a lot of backer stretching for half dozen miles dorsum.



10 miles long yesterday.
Keep rumble
Find "Oreo Express"

You can watch the unabridged convoy offset to finish


'The People's Convoy' SWELLS to Over one,000 Vehicles as Truckers Pass Through Texas (VIDEOS)

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